"Draw for the Final Round of the 4th USPE European Police Championship Basketball Women 2024 at the FIBA Headquarter in Mies/Switzerland"
On 15th March 2024, the draw for the Final Round of the 4th USPE EPC Basketball Women from 18th to 25th May 2024 in Heraklion/Greece took place at the Headquarter of the Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) in Mies/Switzerland.
Greece as the host is seeded as A1, France as the reigning champion is seeded as B1.
In the presence of FIBA Secretary General Andreas Zagklis, FIBA Europe Managing Director Kamil Novak, FIBA NF & Sports Senior Manager Kosta Iliev, USPE President Georgios Tzatzakis, USPE Secretary General Andreas Röhner, USPE Technical Delegate for Basketball, Mr. Massimo Re, representatives of the Greek organiser, Police Major Georgios Pikrakis and Police Sergeant Konstantinos Zakestidis, the number of the teams of each group and the grouping and position of the participating USPE member countries were decided by lot with the following result:
