Union Sportive des Polices d'Europe (USPE)
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USPE Information 2020

Report of the 39th USPE Congress 2020

Report of the 39th USPE Congress 2020

"2nd Meeting of the Executive Committee via Videoconference on the 29th August 2020"

Like the TC Meeting the 2nd EC Meeting could not take place in Prague/Czech Republic due to the current situation with Covid-19.
The numerous agenda items were dealt with and discussed in a concentrated manner.
In particular, the future planning of European police sport in times of the Corona crisis was in the foreground.

2 EC Meeting

"2nd Meeting of the Technical Commission"

Due to the current situation with Covid-19, the 2nd TC Meeting could not take place in Prague / Czech Republic.
The Secretary General of the USPE has therefore convened a video conference on August 28th, 2020.
All Technical Delegates, the President and the General Treasurer of the USPE participated.
Important topics - especially with regard to the corona epidemic, sports and the Congress in November were discussed.

2 TC Meeting



The Dutch Police Sports Association celebrates its 90th Anniversary!

On 25 June 2020 the Dutch Police Sports Association (NPSB) celebrated its 90 years of existence. This anniversary was a good reason for some cake! It also provided a moment to reflect, but especially look forward. In the coming years, the NPSB wants to invest in enabling police sports aims to be inclusive, with emphasis on recreational sports, connection and innovation, regardless of rank, age, and sports experience.

The motto of the NPSB is: move, connect and innovate.

Due to the current measures taken in relation to Covid-19, the NPSB continues to think of different and above all safe ways to sport and exercise. Within the NPSB they are looking at possibilities on many different levels, so they can enable their police athletes to participate in small-scale outdoor activities, such as sports clinics and workshops.
At this moment the NPSB is brainstorming about a new concept for the National Police Sports Day. The idea is to use virtual reality or apps, so everyone can experience a sportsday or week at their own location, in a new innovative and connective way.

As one of our founding members, the NPSB is well connected to the USPE. The USPE congratulates the NPSB and hopes for yet a very long collaboration.


COVID-19-Krise: Auswirkungen auf den europäischen Polizeisport

Impact on European Police Sport

"1st Meeting of the USPE EC"

The USPE Executive Committee met on April 3 for the first time in 2020. Due to the Covid-19 crisis in Europe, this meeting was held as a video conference.

President Luc Smeyers was delighted that all members of the EC were able to attend the meeting.

The EC was not only informed on various topics, it also analyzed and discussed the current situation and the impact of the Covid-19 crisis in particular.
Important decisions for the business continuity of the USPE and the future of the planned European Police Championships and other events were made.
These decisions will be communicated timely to the member countries and partners.

1 st EC Meeting 2020

"1st Meeting of the Technical Commission"

Due to the current Corona crisis, the 1st TC Meeting could not take place in Bucharest / Romania.
The Secretary General of the USPE has therefore convened a video conference on April 2, 2020.
All Technical Delegates, the President and the General Treasurer of the USPE participated.
Important topics - especially with regard to the corona epidemic, sports and the tasks for us police officers were discussed.

1 st TC Meeting 2020

USPE Newsletter January 2020



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