Volleyball Volleyball
Nächste Meisterschaft

5. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen, 8. – 15. September 2024 in Saarbrücken/Deutschland

>> Invitation to Enter






Logo_Volleyball Women

Draw for the group stage of the Final Round of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women

On 15th June 2024, USPE Secretary General Andreas Röhner organised the draw for the group stage of the Final Round of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women from 8th to 15th September 2024 in Saarbrücken/Germany during the 16th USPE EPC Judo in Sofia/Bulgaria.

Germany as host is seeded as A1, the Czech Republic as 2nd-placed at the last USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2019 is seeded as B1.

In the presence of USPE officials as well as representatives of the USPE member countries, the grouping and position of the remaining six qualified teams were decided by lot with the following result:

Volleyball Women 2024 Final Round Draw Result

"5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2024 - Preliminary Round - Group C"

The Preliminary Round - Group C of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2024 took place from 16th to 18th April 2024 in Fürstenfeld/Austria.

Following the cancellation of France's participation in this EPC, Austria and Norway had to play each other twice.

With two victories, Norway became the third USPE member country to qualify for the Final Round of this EPC from 8th to 15th September 2024 in Saarbrücken/Germany.

USPE Secretary General Andreas Röhner would kindly like to thank the host, Österreichischer Polizeisportverband (ÖPOLSV)
- especially President Andreas Pilsl, the Head of Organisation, Mr. Thomas Pinkel, and the local organiser, Mr. Mario Loserth
- as well as the responsible USPE Technical Delegate, Mr. Dirk Weninger from Germany, for the excellent organisation of this Preliminary Round.

After the three Preliminary Rounds, Belgium and the Netherlands also qualified for the Final Round as the two best second-placed.

>> Results

"5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2024 - Preliminary Round - Group A"

The Preliminary Round - Group A of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2024 took place from 14th to 17th February 2024 in Spa/Belgium.

The USPE member country Finland as the winner of Group A has qualified second for the Final Round of this USPE EPC from 8th to 15th September 2024 in Saarbrücken/Germany.

USPE Secretary General Andreas Röhner would kindly like to thank the host, Belgische Politiesportbond (BPSB) - especially President Luc Smeyers and the Head of Organisation, Mr. Vincent Marchal - as well as the responsible USPE Technical Delegate, Mr. Massimo Re from Italy, for the excellent organisation of this Preliminary Round.

>> Results

>> Picture Gallery

"5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2024 - Preliminary Round - Group B"

>> Results

>> Picture Gallery

The Preliminary Round - Group B of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2024 took place from 3rd to 5th January 2024 in Wijchen/Netherlands.

The USPE member country Italy as the winner of Group B has qualified first for the Final Round of this USPE EPC from 8th to 15th September 2024 in Saarbrücken/Germany.

USPE Secretary General Andreas Röhner would kindly like to thank the host, Stichting Nederlandse Politiesportbond (NPSB), especially President Petra Bosman, Head of Organisation, Mr. Marcus Bruin, the local organiser, Mrs. Jacqueline Rustidge, as well as the responsible Technical Delegate, Mr. Ian Redican from Ireland, for the excellent organisation of this Preliminary Round.

"Draw for the Preliminary Round of the 5th USPE European Police Championship Volleyball Women 2024"

On 18th April 2023, the draw for the Preliminary Round of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women from 8th to 15th September 2024 in Saarbrücken/Germany took place at the USPE Office in Meiningen/Germany via video conference.

According to item 4.4.2 of the USPE Competition Rules, USPE Secretary General Andreas Röhner and the USPE Technical Delegate for Volleyball, Mr. Dirk Weninger, decided that Germany (3rd-placed) as organiser as well as the Czech Republic as 2nd-placed and Greece as 4th-placed of the last USPE EPC Volleyball Women 2019 are directly qualified for the Final Round.

In the presence of USPE President Georgios Tzatzakis, the USPE Secretary General, the USPE Technical Delegate for Volleyball, the 2022 Olympic Champion in Skeleton and Thuringian police officer, Mr. Christopher Grotheer, as well as representatives of the registered countries and the USPE Office, the grouping and position of the remaining nine teams for the three Preliminary Rounds were decided by lot with the following result:

Draw for the Preliminary Round of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women

Draw for the Preliminary Round of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women

Draw for the Preliminary Round of the 5th USPE EPC Volleyball Women




>> Form for Accreditation and Declaration of participation in USPE EPC

>> Anti-Doping Erklärung


>> USPE Wettkampfordnung, 4.4 Volleyball

>> Gebührenordnung für USPE Sportveranstaltungen

>> Anti-Doping Regelwerk

>> Kostenordnung des Anti-Doping Regelwerkes


>>11. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer 2023 - Ergebnisse

>> 4. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen 2019 - Ergebnisse Finale

>> 4. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen 2019 - Ergebnisse Vorrunde

>> Bildergalerie

>> 10. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer 2017 - Ergebnisse Finale

>> 10. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer 2017 - Ergebnisse Vorrunde

>> 3. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen - Ergebnisse Finale

>> 3. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen 2015 - Ergebnisse Vorrunde

>> 2. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen 2013 - Ergebnisse Finale

>> 2. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen 2013 - Ergebnisse Vorrunde

>> 9. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer 2013 - Ergebnisse Finale

>> 9. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer 2013 - Ergebnisse Vorrunde

>> 1. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Frauen

>> Vorrunden Volleyball Frauen

>> 8. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer

>> Vorrunden Volleyball Männer

>> 7. USPE Europäische Polizeimeisterschaft Volleyball Männer in Monaco 08.-15.10.2005